An exotic donation

Updated: 10 Apr 2024

The Nene and Welland Oddfellows have donated £2,500 to a local wildlife sanctuary.

Fundraising efforts

The Exotic Pet Refuge in Deeping St James was chosen as outgoing Nene and Welland Oddfellows Chairperson Elaine Brown’s charity of the year. She handed over a cheque worth £2,500 last month.

The money has been raised through a number of events, including raffles, car boot sales and indoor table top sales. Other donations of bedding, towels and food have also been given by Nene and Welland members.

Caz Bruce, Elaine Brown and Darren Mansford hold a cheque for £2,500 for the Exotic Pet Refuge
Caz Bruce (Animal Manager at Exotic Pet Refuge), Elaine Brown (outgoing Chairperson of the Nene and Welland Oddfellows) and Darren Mansford (co-owner of the Exotic Pet Refuge)

Continued backing

The Branch have a history of supporting the Refuge, having now handed over a total of £6,500 over the last few years.

Pam Mansfield founded the Exotic Pet Refuge in 1984 with her late husband, Mel, after someone came to them with an injured bird. She said: “We’re extremely grateful to the Oddfellows for their continued backing.

“Without help like this we wouldn’t be able to do the work we do and give these animals the most comfortable life possible.”

A big operation

Pam now co-owns the Refuge with her son, Darren, who visited the Branch alongside Animal Manager Caz Bruce to accept the cheque. They are assisted by a small team of regular volunteers.

The money will help them care for over 250 creatures, including snakes, monkeys, and even a lynx.

Exotic Pet Refuge also hosts open days, with two upcoming on Sunday 11 June and Sunday 9 July. For more details visit their Facebook page, email, or call 01778 345 923 or 0770 6999 838.

“It’s nice to know that we’re making a difference in our community.”

Karen Earth, Branch Secretary at the Nene and Welland Oddfellows, said: “Our members have worked so hard throughout the year to make this donation possible, so thank you to everyone who helped and donated.

“As well as helping people find friendship, the Oddfellows has a proud history of supporting good causes. It’s nice to know that we’re making a difference in our community.”

Nene and Welland Oddfellows have now set their sights on raising funds for the Deeping Men’s Group, and will be present at the Deepings Carnival on Sunday 25 June from 12pm, and are holding a car boot sale at Glebe Park, Market Deeping, on Saturday 8 July.

Find out more

The Oddfellows has around 100 branches nationwide with almost 40,000 members. It is one of the oldest and largest friendly societies in the UK.

Anyone who wants to find out more about the many varied events that Nene and Welland Oddfellows puts on email Karen on, call 01778 342 006.

To find your closest Branch, visit our Branch Finder, and to see what events are coming up in your area, give our Events Finder a try.