
30 August 2023 Take a Friendship MOT

What is a Friendship MOT and why do we need one? Dr Denise Taylor, a psychologist and later life coach, explains why we should pay attention to our friendship needs.

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18 July 2023 Help with Lasting Power of Attorneys

Setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) means that if you lose the capacity to manage your affairs, arrangements are in place for someone you trust to act on your behalf. John Aitken, our Head of Care and Welfare, gives some pointers on what you need to consider and organisations that can help.

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14 October 2022 How to make retirement work for you

On the surface, retirement is an attractive prospect. You don’t have to work and you’ve got all the time in the world to do the things you want to. But reality can be very different, and the lack of structure may actually feel like a loss of freedom.

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4 May 2022 Moving forward with the loss of a partner

Anyone who has experienced grief knows it doesn’t follow rules – you may feel hopeful one day and be overcome with emotion the next. According to Dr Jennifer Wild, the key is moving forward with your grief and using it as your greatest strength.

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3 February 2022 Finding your feet on new ground

Moving to a new town or city is daunting at any age, but when you relocate your entire life in later years, it can be even more difficult to find your feet. Check out Dr Wild's expert tips on how to feel more settled.

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