We rely on the talents and commitment of many of our members, locally and nationally, to help manage our day to day affairs, represent us, as well as shape our future direction. It’s mutuality in action.
We are always on the lookout for members who are ready for a challenge, have a progressive outlook and are able to volunteer time freely on a regular basis.
There are a wide range of development, advisory and Officer roles at a local Branch level which, if you find you’ve real flair, could also progress to representation at a national level.
They are roles not to be taken lightly, but they are hugely rewarding.
Branch involvement
Our branches are responsible for their own administration, and one of the key ways in which it manages its business activities is through a Committee of Management (CoM). Held regularly, usually at least every quarter, its members come together to discuss issues such as management investments, adherence to Rules and Procedures, as well as membership needs and social event programmes.
On each CoM there are a number of important positions which are fulfilled by elected volunteer members. These include Trustees, a Branch/District Chairman (Noble Grand/Provincial Grand Master), Branch/District Deputy Chairman (Vice Grand/Provincial Deputy Grand Master) and Past Branch/District Chairman (Immediate Past Noble Grand/Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master).
Unlike our other non-elected Oddfellows volunteering opportunities, undertaking a formal role on a CoM requires you to be welcomed to the Order and, for some Officer positions, complete Lectures. You must also have been a member for at least one year for Branch-level CoMs and two for District-level CoMs.
The Order refers to a set of rules, rituals or customs that many Oddfellows members voluntarily choose to follow or comply with. One of the most important aspects of the welcome is to ask for confidentiality. This is vital as many committees discuss the personal needs and care situations of members in relation to awarding grants and benefits.
National involvement
Many members, who have enjoyed the reward of being involved in managing our Branches, have progressed to elected roles at a national level. This includes Board positions, such as Member-elected Directors, Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Past Chairman and representation on Benevolence and Investigation Committees, specialist steering groups and roles as special arbitrators.
Representing your Branch at annual conference (AMC)
Each District or District Lodge is entitled to send at least three Deputies to our annual conference, which we refer to as our Annual Movable Conference (AMC). Deputies have the important role of debating and voting on issues which impact the Society and its membership. Any member is eligible to stand for election as a Deputy to the AMC, however you must have served at least three years on a Branch Committee of Management and have no less than five years’ continuous membership or a Purple Lecture qualification.
Want to find out more?
To explore and discuss volunteer Society involvement opportunities that are open or coming up at your Branch, please contact your Branch Secretary. You can find their details by using our Branch Finder.
Please note that these positions are only open to Oddfellows members.
Being a Deputy at the annual conference is a lot of hard work, but it has its enjoyable moments. I'm proud to wear the chain as Deputy District Chairman.