We recognise the importance of diversity in creating an inclusive culture for staff, members and customers, and welcome the inclusion of a range of experiences, perspectives, ideas and talents into the Society.

We want the Oddfellows to be truly representative of all sections of society with everybody able to feel comfortable being themselves.

All staff and volunteers, whether part-time, full-time or temporary, will have the support they need to reach their full potential and utilise their unique talents.
We believe this will make our organisation even more successful at what it does, and promote a culture of meeting the expectations of all those we serve and support.

Everyone connected with us, be it staff, members, volunteers or customers will be treated with respect, dignity and courtesy at all times. In addition, the Society embraces diversity of thought and acknowledges the improvement in performance this brings.

Diversity Champion


As our Board-level Diversity Champion, Oddfellows CEO Jane Nelson believes we must all show a personal commitment to ensuring diversity is considered within the organisation, and encourage a respectful and inclusive Society culture.

Diversity Working Group

Taking action

We come together regularly to discuss and develop the Society’s approach to diversity through our Diversity Working Group.

Set up in 2020, its aim is to maintain, introduce and improve inclusivity across all areas of the Society. Find out more about the Group and its outcomes to date.

Mutual Diversity Alliance


We’re part of the Association of Financial Mutual’s Mutual Diversity Alliance (MDA). Its purpose is to share and promote learning and innovation, by working together to create common understandings of good practice, as well as sharing resources for training and implementing improvements.

An age-friendly employer


We agree that multigenerational workforces drive productivity and innovation. That's why the Oddfellows has taken the Centre for Ageing Better's Age-friendly Employer Pledge and is committed to improving the working lives of people in
their 50s and 60s, and beyond.

Gender Pay Gap Report


Since 2023, the Society has published a gender pay gap analysis on an annual basis. Although not required by law like larger organisations, we're committed to transparency and will proactively monitor equality of pay across genders within the organisation. Read the 2023 report.

As a Society, we'll...

  • Listen to, understand and represent the views of Society stakeholders, including members, staff, volunteers and Board members.
  • Treat all views, opinions and feedback with respect regardless of background, including socio-economic and cultural, age, race, gender, sex, religion, sexual orientation or role within the Society.
  • Act in good faith at all times.
  • Treat one another with courtesy and respect.
  • Ensure meetings are professional and that all voices can be, and are, heard.
  • Create a working environment that promotes dignity and respect for all and one that is free of bullying, harassment and unlawful discrimination.
  • Investigate complaints of bullying, harassment and unlawful discrimination by fellow employees and any others during the Society’s work activities.
  • Encourage anyone who feels discriminated against to raise their concerns to their Branch, Committee of Management, Line Manager or HR Manager, for investigation.
  • Regularly review the Society’s employment practices and procedures to ensure that any regulatory bodies’ expectations are met in respect of diversity at all levels of the business.