Coffee Morning


Coffee Mornings | Pride of Bournemouth Branch

Thursday 6 November 2025 at 10.30am

Cost: £3

Bookable | Deadline: 04/11/2025

Tea, cake, coffee, savouries, a lovely venue – what could be better?  We hope you will join us for our regular coffee morning, a chance to meet new friends and chat over coffee.  We will have a raffle and bring and buy stall  for our Chairman’s Charity.  Might be a chance to get some early Christmas presents.  A prize is always much appreciated, as are items for the bring & buy table – but as we have nowhere to store anything please remember to take things home if they don’t sell 

Please contact Wendy to book on 01202 428975 

For further information about this event please contact:

Mrs Wendy Hopper
01202 428975

Event location

Tuckton Social Club, Tuckton Road, Bournemouth, BH6 3AA