Allchorn Maritime Ltd. Talk by Lloyd Stebbings


Talks & Demos | Brighton & Sussex District Branch

Tuesday 18 March 2025 at 7.00pm

Cost: £1

Lloyd Stebbings, Historian/Technical and GRP specialist 40+ years in the maritime industry will be talking tonight on the restoration of the last two remaining pleasure boats, 'The Southern Queen' and 'William Allchorn' which were built between 1947 and 1950.  These two remaining boats can be seen on the Eastbourne Beach between near Fisherman's Green.  Lloyd will be talking about the restoration and preservation through education.  There will be a charge of £1 per person this evening.  There will be our usual raffle and your donations would be appreciated.  Refreshments will be available.

For further information about this event please contact:

Mr Steve Mackenzie
07572 736817

Event location

St Andrews Parish Hall (next to Arlington Arms Public House), 360 Seaside, Eastbourne, BN22 7RY