12,000 years of (modern) humans in Britain, DNA, Domestication and Diseases
Talks & Demos | Cambridge District Branch
Thursday 26 June 2025 at 2.00pm
Cost: £3
Non-member Cost: £4
If you're feeling a bit fed-up with the hustle & bustle of today's lifestyle, come with us to consider the past for a little bit, let's go way back, say 12,000 years ago.
The Norris Museum will be on hand to help us understand a bit more about what science and archaeology can tell us about the changes in our heritage, pets and farm animals, and recurrent plagues that have occurred since modern humans came to Britain 12,000 years ago.
Maybe 'modern' life might not be as bad as you think!
Refreshments provided
For further information about this event please contact:
Trinity Free Church, Buttsgrove Way, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 1LY